Monday, May 14, 2012

A picture of my day

As i've mentioned before, I work as an air-hostess and on my days off, I am back in Dubai in my apartment that I share with my best friend. Today has been a typical lazy day, sleeping till 10, going to the supermarket to stock up on snacks, and hitting the pool with my brother and his fiancĂ©, who I happen to introduce to people as my other sister.

We had a great time in 40 degrees Celsius, tanning, swimming and floating around on our lilo's. After that, we went to the mall for lunch, had delicious burrito's, with a giant Coke, and a "little bit" of shopping afterwards. Here's the deal; I have a major shopping addiction, which I don't have under control, despite what I may try to convince you of. But my sister asked me to get her this really cute dress at H&M, I tried it on myself, and next thing you know, i'm at the check out counter buying one for myself with a matching ring and handbag and shoes and ....

Lets get back on topic; tomorrow I am going on a 6-day trip, so most of my evening consisted out of packing, cleaning up my room, doing a bit of laundry and catching up with my roommate. And that wrapped up a pretty awesome day.

And yes, this is how every day off goes down here. Except for the ones where my lovely boyfriend is home. But more on him later. I love my job and that I get loads of time off. I am truly blessed with amazing people living close by, whom I get to share all these amazing sunny days with. Whats everyone else been up to?

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