1. What goes around comes around
Never do bad things, or even think bad thoughts of others that you don’t wish upon yourself! Its bad enough that there’s so much hate in the world! Seek the beauty in every person & blessing in every moment!
2. Start with small things in life, then you will be trusted with bigger things
There are so many things we wish to achieve in life, yet we fall down quick if things don’t immediately go our way! Build a strong foundation and grow from there! You will fail and fall down, but its how you choose to stand up that matters! Get up, learn and grow into the person you were created to be.
3. Make someone’s day everyday
Whether its your best friend or a stranger, do something everyday that will enlighten someone else’s. Even if it goes un-noticed, it gives you an enormous sense of well-being. Feed the homeless cat outside your apartment building!
4. Be yourself
ALWAYS be yourself, don’t try to fit in if you were clearly born to stand out! We are all special, smart, weird and fabulous in our own way so embrace it! Don’t laugh if something isn’t funny, stand up for yourself and stay true to what you believe in.
5. Exercise
I don’t like exercise one little bit, yet the 3 times I’ve been to the gym made me feel wonderful. Try to make it fun, I bought the wii fitness board and it turns exercise into a game. Don’t be fooled, you work up a great sweat!
6. Go back to your roots
Family is the most important thing in the world; they support you, laugh with you, cry and understand you better than anyone else! Make effort to stay in touch!
7. Capture the moment
Take lots of photos where ever you go, every moment on earth is so precious and there are many wonders in this world, your friends, nature, traveling! Capture all the memories!
8. Pray
Always know there’s a “Big Man upstairs” that loves & cares for you more than anything! It’s because of Him that we have this beautiful life, to love, dance, travel, study and so much more! He created you as a “one of a kind” live it & embrace it and always remember to say thank you!!
9. Embrace nature
Get back to nature every once in a while to discover the power & beauty of the world!
10. Love and love again
Love is the most powerful emotion & feeling in the world, without it you don’t truly exist, with it, you feel like your flying because of all the happiness! Tell people you love them, they like hearing it :-) I love with all my heart!